Using Websites

Lesson 1:

  • Topic: The Solar System
  • Grade: 2nd form (secondary school)
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Location: School - ICT lab.


- The teacher (T) will introduce the topic by asking students (Ss) what they know about the solar system. "which planet is closer to the sun? The Earth or Venus?" "which planet is bigger, Jupiter or Saturn?".

- As T asks these questions, he/she will stick pictures of the planets on the board.


- T will ask Ss to form pairs and share one computer per group. Ss will have to access to in order to write down interesting facts and information about the solar system.

- Then, Ss will have to choose one planet they would like to focus on and write specific information about the chosen planet.

- Then, Ss will have to access, where they can freely move through the solar system, in this way they can freely use the website and learn through interaction.

What's next?:

- Ss will go to the front (in pairs) and they will tell the rest of the class what have learnt about the planet they had chosen and they will show images of the planet using T's computer, which will be connected to a beamer.

Lesson 2:

  • Topic: The Solar System
  • Grade: 2nd form (secondary school)
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Location: School - ICT lab.


- T will show Ss the solar system through the years using

- T will ask students if they know that the universe has changed several times over its history. 


- T will ask Ss to team with the same group as lesson #1, and will ask them to access and write down interesting facts about the changes that the planet they chose in the previous lesson went through.

- Afterwards, Ss will be asked to use in order to see how the universe evolved.

What's next?:

- Ss will be asked to write a short essay on the planet they have chosen.

- Then, Ss will share the experience with other groups.


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