Lesson plan enhanced with technology

School: XXX
Class: 6th form
Teacher:  Leandro Dreher
Date of the lesson:  Nov 12th, 2019
Time allotted: 80’
Textbook: Discover English 2
Number of students: 20
Communicative goal: Talking about what I did last summer.
Grammar focus:  Past simple
Recycled language: Past simple/affirmative
- It is the aim of this lesson that Ss use the language to communicate what they did last summer by using technology.
- In previous lessons, the students dealt with the past simple affirmative.


- T will introduce the assignment to the Ss. They will have to pair with a classmate and speak about what they did the previous summer, using the past simple.


- After they are done telling the stories, they will have to make a video (in pairs) about what they did last summer using Biteable. They can learn how to use Biteable with this tutorial.

- For the video, students are expected to use the past simple and the vocabulary they already know about holidays.

- The teacher will ask students to make the videos appealing, using images of the places they visited or the things they did in the previous summer.

- As stated above, the communicative goal is "talking about what I did last summer," the language goal is the past simple affirmative.

- Students have an hour to make the video, which will last around 2 minutes. 1 minute for each student to tell his/her story.

- Once the video is finished, Ss must upload it to Edmodo.

What Next

- Each group will have to watch a video made by another group.

- Then, T will ask Ss to say what they liked about each video (referring to the use of pictures, animation, text, special effects)

- Finally, the whole class will talk about what they liked about the videos, what they like dor found interesting about everyone's holidays. This will be done using the past simple.

How the use of technology enhances this lesson plan

SAMR Model

The SAMR model was created by Ruben Puentedura, who developed this model to represent the way in which technology impacts the teaching-learning process. The SAMR model helps teachers reflect upon the aims of using technology in the classroom.
It consists of four steps: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (which all together form SAMRA). According to the author, Substitution and Augmentation make up the “Enhancement phase” of the lesson, whereas the latter two, Modification and Redefinition form the “Transformation phase,” a level which should be our goal according to the author. In the Substitution level, technology serves as substitute for tools, with no actual change. In the Augmentation level, technology also serves as a direct tool substitute but with functional improvements. In the Modification level, technology allows for noteworthy task rebuild. Lastly, in the Redefinition level, technology allows for the creation of new tasks, which would be inconceivable without technology. 

In this lesson, modification and redefinition are present. By making a video from scratch, Ss are modifying their text (which was oral) and by creating a new task that would be impossible without the use of technology, students are redefining.


Planied (Plan Nacional Integral de Educación Digital) is a Digital Competence Framework implemented by the Ministry of Education of CABA in 2015. Its aim is to promote digital literacy in every school and, for such goal six dimensions needed for a person to be considered digitally competent are proposed:

- Creativity and innovation
- Communication and collaboration
- Information and representation
- Responsible and solidary participation
- Critical Thinking
- Autonomous use of ICTs

In this lesson, students are working together cooperatively. They are using ICTs autonomously. They are communicating what they did on the summer and are creating.



 Bloom's taxonomy is a hierarchical model used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. It was created by Benjamin Bloom. The model is a pyramid which consists of different levels cognitive learning (according to the revised version of Bloom's  digital Taxonom.) Each level is conceptually different. The six levels are remember,understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create. By using technology we are helping students use the 6 levels of cognition from the lower to the higher ones.
 Bloom's taxonomy helps teachers guide the development of the curriculum and instructional strategies; it also makes teachers reflect and come up with a good sequencing of topics and tasks that helps students go from the level of remembering to the one of creating.
In this lesson, students are creating a video in order to talk about what they did in the summer, using the past simple, and by doing so they are using the higher level skills.


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