Web 1.0 evaluation

1 - https://www.britannica.com/science/solar-system

Accuracy: The website is written by experts and owned by Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., making the website totally trustworthy
Currency: The content is up to date
Content: It is straightforward and the language is easy to understand.
Functionality: The website works perfectly well. No broken links. Audios and videos work.

2- https://www.solarsystemscope.com/

Accuracy: The website is owned by Sofware engineers. The information they use is 100% accurate and scientific.
Currency: The content is up to date.
Content: The content is very entertaining for students. It is totally interactive and they can use it as they please.
Functionality: The multimedia works perfectly fine.

3- https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/

Accuracy: Owned by NASA.
Currency: The content is up to date.
Content: Everything works and students can interact very freely.
Functionality: The website has no flaws.

4- http://education.abc.net.au/home#!/topic/496370/space-and-our-solar-system

Accuracy: Owned by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Currency:  The content is up to date.
Content: It is stimulating and interesting for students.
Functionality:  Lots of hyperlinks, all of them work perfectly. Audios and videos work as well.

5- https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/gallery-solar-system/en/

Accuracy: Owned by NASA
Currency: The content is up to date.
Content: The content is very useful and visual
Funcionality: The links and multimedia  work perfectly well.

6- https://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/archive/category/solarsystem/

Accuracy: Owned by NASA and ESA
Currency: The content is up to date.
Content: Latest videos of the solar system
Funcionality: The videos work perfectly.

7- https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/topics/zdrrd2p

Accuracy: Owned by the BBC
Currency: The content is up to date.
Content: The videos, images, audios and texts will engage students.
Funcionality: The website works perfectly.


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