Lesson plan

School: XXXX
Class: 6th form
Teacher:  Leandro Dreher
Date of the lesson:  October 8th, 2019
Time allotted: 60’
Textbook: Discover English 2
Number of students: 20
Communicative goal: Comparing cities and people
Grammar focus: Long superlatives/ “the most…”
Vocabulary focus: -
Recycled language: Adjectives

Activation: (‘10)

T: Hello, kids! How are you?
S: Fine!
T: Great! So, we’re going to play a game! Who wants to hand out photocopies?

- T will choose a random student to hand out photocopies

Choose the correct answer: A, B or C

1-) Yesterday was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day of the year.
A) more hot      B) the hottest      C) hotter
2-) She has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eyes.
A) the bluest      B) the more blue    C) bluer
3-) This is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ movie ever!
A) long     B) the long    C) the longest
4-) The Empire State is not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  building in the world, the Kahlif Tower is!
A) the tallest     B) the more tall    C) the tall
5-)  July is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ month of the year.
A) the hottest  B) the cold  C) the coldest
6-) He is _ _ _ _ _ _ person I know!
A) the craziest    B) crazy     C) crazier than

T: So, before you start, do you remember what we did last class?
S: Yes!
T: Great! So today we’re going to play a game using what we learnt last class, ok?
S: Yes!

- T will explain that Ss will have to circle the correct option.
- T will explain that this exercise will be done in pairs (with the person sitting next to them)
- T will do the first one together with Ss so that they fully understand.
- T will walk around to clear out doubts and check how Ss are doing.
- Correction will be done orally.

Comprehension and clarification: (‘20)

- T will choose a random Ss to hand out photocopies.
My name is Mary and I love to travel! I visit countries all around the world. Let me tell you about them! I love Russia, it is the biggest country in the world. It is very cold and it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. If you want to visit hotter countries, I recommend Saudi Arabia, with a very different culture, it is for me the most interesting place in the world, and one of the hottest places, too! Another very interesting country in the world is Argentina, one of the most diverse countries because there are beaches, pampas, mountains, rivers, warm and cold weather.

Answer “true” or “false”:
1-) Russia is the smallest country in the world.   T/F
2-) Russia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. T/F
3-) Saudi Arabia is hotter than Russia.    T/F
4-) Saudi Arabia is one of the most interesting countries in the world.   T/F
5-) Argentina is one of the most diverse countries in the world.   T/F

- T will explain that he’s going to read the text and that S must follow the reading; then, they will answer true or false accordingly.
- T will walk around checking how S are working.
- Correction will be done orally

T: Ok, kids! Very good! Now, we have a new word here. Let’s see ** T will read and write on the Bb a sentence from the text: “Saudi Arabia is the most interesting country in the world.”** What’s the new word?
S: Most!
T: Yes! Very good. Now, look at this sentence from the text. **T will read and write on the Bb another sentence from the text: “Russia is the biggest country in the world.”** We said last class that we add “-est” to some adjectives, in this case “big”. Is big a short or a long adjective?
S: Short!
 T: Yes! Very good! so what is the difference between “big” **T writes it on the board** and “interesting”? **T writes that one on the board too**
- T will ask this question while showing with his hands he’s talking about the length of the words
S: Interesting es más largo!
T: Yes! Very good! When an adjective has more than two syllables, we add “most” before the adjective. We do NOT add “-est” at the end **T will shake his head**. So, there is one more word that we use to form superlatives, remember? **T will write this as the sub-title**
S: Yes! “The”!!
T: Yeees! Very good! So this is how we form long superlatives **T will write this on the Bb**. One last question, what are we doing? describing countries or comparing countries?
S: Comparing!
T: Yes! Very good! **T will write this as the title** Now you can copy! First the date, then the titles and then everything else.

Blackboard synopsys:

Application: (‘30)

Activity 1:
Type: Pseudo-communicative
Focus: Writing

- T will choose a random Ss to hand out photocopies

Choose the correct answer: A, B or C

1-) My sister is _ _ _ _ in her class.
a) smarter than    b) most smartest   c) the smartest

2-) I live in _ _ _ _ house in the city.
a) the expensivest   b) more expensive   c) the most expensive

3-) Math is _ _ _ _ subject in school.
a) the difficultest   b) the most difficult  c) more difficult than

4-) Jim is _ _ _ _ in the football team.
a) the tallest    b) the most tall   c) taller than

5-) Lions are  _ _ _  animals in the jungle.
a) more dangerous than   b) most dangerous   c) the most dangerous

6-)  July is _ _ _ _ month of the year.
a) the most warm     b) the warmest    c) warmer

- T will explain that Ss will haver to circle A, B, or C.
- T will do the first one together with Ss so that they fully understand.
- T will walk around to check Ss.
- Correction will be done orally.

Activity 2:
Type: Pseudo-communicative
Focus: Writing

- T will choose a random student to hand out photocopies

Fill in the gaps using SHORT or LONG adjectives:

1-) Jupiter is _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ planet.  (BIG)

2-) She is _ _ _   _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ teacher. (IMPORTANT)

3-) He is _ _ _   _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  dog! (ADORABLE)

4-) She is _ _ _   _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  woman in the room. ( ELEGANT)

5-) Saudi Arabia is _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country in the world. (HOT)

6-) The pyramids in Egypt are some of the _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ constructions in the world. (ANCIENT)

7-) He is _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ student. (SHORT)

- T will explain that Ss are supposed to complete the gaps with the adjectives between brackets.
- T will do the first one with Ss so that they fully understand.
- T will walk around to check Ss.
- Correction will be done orally.

Activity 3:

Type: Quasi-communicative
Focus: Writing/using technology

In the computer lab

For this activity, Ss will have to search the internet for interesting World Record Guinness and after choosing the record that is the most interesting for them, they will have to create a flyer using Canva.

- First, T will explain Ss that they will create their very own Book of World Record Guinness.

- T  will use the projector in order to show Ss the official website of the World Record Guinness with the the list of records.

- After showing the website, Ss will browse and decide which record they want to write about. Each student has to create two flyers with two different records.

- When Ss are done choosing the records, T will ask them to to access a blog entry which will provide them with a Canva tutorial.

- After this, T will explain that they all need to upload the images to the already existing Edmodo group the class share

- The following lesson, the teacher will have printed all of the images and he will create the book for students to look at. Ss will get the chance to take the book home with them for one night.


- Ss will be asked to write their own personal record guiness, for example: I am tallest in the class. I am the shortest in my family.

- Correction will be done orally

Theoretical framework

SAMR Model

The SAMR Model (Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition) was created by Rubén Puentedura. This method offers a way of seeing how computer technology impacts teaching and learning. The important concept is the level of the students' engagement.  
In this lesson,  augmentation is present, because Canva allows us to make a special kind of poster unlike physical ones.. The teacher could have simply asked students to write down on a piece of paper the facts that they know about World Record Guinness, but instead the SAMR model was taken into account so as to make it much more engaging.


Planied (Plan Nacional Integral de Educación Digital) is a Digital Competence Framework implemented by the Ministry of Education of CABA in 2015. Its aim is to promote digital literacy in every school and, for such goal six dimensions needed for a person to be considered digitally competent are proposed:

- Creativity and innovation
- Communication and collaboration
- Information and representation
- Responsible and solidary participation
- Critical Thinking
- Autonomous use of ICTs

In this lesson, PLANIED encourages students to be creators and innovators, they worked collaboratory and they browsed information while being autonomous users of ICTs.


Bloom's taxonomy is a hierarchical model used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. It was created by Benjamin Bloom. The model is a pyramid which consists of different levels. There are six levels of cognitive learning according to the revised version of Bloom's Taxonomy. Each level is conceptually different. The six levels are remembering,understandingapplyinganalyzing, evaluating, and creating.
In this lesson, the students are creating and by doing so they are using the higher level skills.


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